 By Karen Juul-Nielsen / Bellaire / SW Loop.
Prayer Requests for Bellaire/SW Loop A.C.T.S. – 12/08/08 (Area Churches Together in Service) Dear Prayer Warriors, How marvelously blessed we have been this fall! Even with the interruption of IKE, our faith community has come together to pray, train, mentor, work and have fellowship. God is Good! Please lift these prayers of thanksgiving and praise, as well as the petitions for additional power and strength, in your daily devotions as individuals, and as you meet in prayer teams and in small groups. God will bless your faithfulness. Prayers of thanksgiving and praise for:• a safe workday at Shearn and for the completion of all the revised projects planned for that day; and for volunteers who have continued to water plants so that they will thrive. • the amazing show of support for the St Nick Day at Shearn, and that for the first time in the history of the school, all 23 classes had volunteers. • the leadership and organizational skills of Becky and Hazel in managing the volunteers and in lending support to the fall festival. • all the mentors who have been faithful to share their talents and time with these precious children at Shearn and Gordon Elementary. • the direction/support of Ms Epps and Mr. Buck and for the stellar help of Ms Healy Prayers of request for:• more mentors to join the ranks in January for both schools. • all the mentors to participate in the mentor training that Mission Houston is offering. • additional funds to be donated to Mission Houston so projects that are planned for the spring at both schools can be completed. • schedules to be resolved so that all the planning and necessary preparations can take place in a timely fashion, for work days, teacher appreciation events, parties for the children and recognition for volunteers. • that every child at Shearn will be prepared to go to college and have that opportunity (offered by Mr. Buck) Prayers for protection for: • all the children, staff, teachers and mentors at Gordon and Shearn Elementary schools
• all the parents, grandparents and guardians of these elementary children
• both facilities and structures - that no harm will come to these premises
• all the members of the churches who participate - that God will bless them mightily for their goodness and efforts on behalf of these precious children.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I thank Him every day for you. In Christ’s Name, Karen
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by Jim Herrington

This past year has been one of laying a solid foundation. We’ve been clarifying purpose, launching our training process, clarifying our curriculum, and developing our communications streams. It is our intention to honor God by succeeding at what God has put in our hearts to do, and we’ve worked diligently this year to listen to Him as we clarify success for this ministry.
For many of us, Faithwalking has provided a fellowship of like-minded people. Faithwalking is largely led by those who have a sense of urgency about the condition of our city and who are committed to working from a new mental model that guides our understanding of discipleship and service to the common good. While it is tempting to measure success from the sense of fellowship that is present or from the personal enrichment that we gain, we have resisted that temptation.
Ultimately our measure of success is the existence of functioning Vision Communities that serve the poor, the marginalized, and those in need, for the sake of the common good in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and third places. A Vision Community is
• A small group of people who spend a lot of their daily living together • Who are living in New Testament community – transparently, authentically, practicing mutual submission under the Lordship of Jesus Christ • Who are committed to a shared vision for serving the common good.
Our best information tells us that we currently have twenty-two (22) individuals participating in ten (10) Vision Communities.
1. 5th Street in Stafford – Todd and Denise McCombs have just launched a community that is committed to the transformation of one of Fort Bend County’s most poverty stricken communities.
2. 6th Ward House Church – Steve Capper is launching a community in his home in the 6th Ward that will address needs in that community.
3. Bellaire Southwest CSA – Bob Chenoweth serves as the team leader for a group that has taken on Mission Houston’s CSA designated Bellaire/Southwest and is giving leadership to the Whole and Healthy Children Initiative in that community.
4. The Caplin Street Project – Jovon Tyler is restoring his family home in the 5th Ward while also serving as a catalyst for the restoration of his family in that community.
5. CyFair CSA – Bob Newey, Guido Piggot, Mark Day, Judy Newey, Michele Caldwell serve as the team leaders for a group that has taken on Mission Houston’s CSA designated Mission CyFair and is giving leadership to the Whole and Healthy Children Initiative in that community.
6. Gregory Lincoln Education Center – Betty Herrington has launched the mobilization of followers of Jesus in this inner city public school. Initial efforts have focused around caring for a school teacher who became disabled.
7. Harbor Church – Jim Herrington, Betty Herrington, Josh Wood, Ryan Donovan, Jovon Tyler give leadership to a house church and drug/alcohol rehabilitation community in Montrose.
8. Kingdom Advisors – Randy Schroeder and Jim Munchbach have launched a work named Kingdom Advisors, a small group ministry that mobilizes and trains followers of Jesus who work in the field of “managing other people’s money.”
9. Kirby Corporation – Jerry Gallion, Bob Livingston, Julie Pilling, Nick Attathikhun have mobilized approximately 100 followers of Jesus in the Kirby Corporation, a publicly held maritime transportation company. They serve within the company and they have mobilized believers to do mission trips and to serve in the Whole and Healthy Children Initiative.
10. The Church in the Trailer Park, Tomball – Bob Baldwin has mobilized the body of Christ to serve in a mobile home park in Tomball. The residents are first generation Hispanics and Bob and his Vision Community have dramatically improved the living conditions in the park while also offering English as a second language classes and afterschool homework assistance for the children.
11. The Gathering of Men in Fort Bend County – Andy Ramos has launched a ministry to men in Fort Bend County that focuses on discipleship and service.
We celebrate the emergence of each of these communities that are in varying stages of functioning – from just getting started to having significant missional impact. We are committed to continue to nurture, pray for, encourage and problem solve with each community.
With this foundation in place, our goals for 2009 call for the foundation to be strengthened in a way the seeds have been planted for 50 vision communities to be functioning in homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and third places across the greater Houston area. Please join us in praying for God’s favor in each of these communities.
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Getting from an introductory Faithwalking (101) Retreat and the 12 week (201) follow up seminars to a functioning Vision Community is filled with many challenges. It is rare to get a Vision Community started right out of the 201 series. We have been interviewing, praying with, and listening to those who have and who have not yet launched a vision community, and we are discovering some additional resources (beyond the 101/201 experiences) that help Faithwalkers stay focused, get unstuck and begin to experience measurable progress.
• Coaching – a major obstacle to establishing a Vision Community is the auto-pilot that runs your daily life. A functioning Vision Community requires some interruption of that auto-pilot in concentrated time blocks so that you can establish actions for which you are willing to be accountable. Having a coach is an excellent way to achieve that interruption and accountability. We now offer coaching to all those who complete 101 and enroll in 201. The coaching process involves a weekly 30 minutes call that focuses on encouragement, problem solving, and resourcing. To take advantage of the weekly coaching process beyond the 201 seminar series, you must declare an intention to establish a vision community and request a coach. When you do, a coach – one who has a functioning vision community – will be designated to work with you.
• Missional Marriage – we recognize that the radical discipleship of Faithwalking challenges the comfort and assumptions of all participants’ marriages. We seek to support marriages and to strengthen practices of sacrificial love and healing between couples. We truly believe that as couples experience God’s ideal of “one flesh” intimacy, they will be powerfully released to channel their gifts and energies on mission toward a hurting world. Trisha Taylor will lead Missional Marriage and dates for 2009 will be forthcoming.
• The Pipeline – virtually every Vision Community that is making significant progress has more than one person who has completed Faithwalking. Beginning in 2009, we are working diligently to find ways to eliminate cost as a factor that detracts people from registering.
1. We encourage those who have completed 101 and 201 to pay the way for a new participant. Even when money is not an issue, potential participants can’t distinguish the distinctive nature of Faithwalking. Apart from actually attending the retreat, potential participants hear the invitation like another Bible study or enrichment retreat. So, in their thinking, “Why spend this money for another one of those.” By paying for another to attend, you communicate powerfully your value of the experience and your value of the one whose way you are paying.
2. We will establish a scholarship fund to be available beginning with the January 2009 Faithwalking retreat. Perhaps you cannot provide $650 (full tuition) for someone to attend but you could make a one-time gift or a small monthly contribution to contribute to providing a scholarship for someone. Please consider making that commitment. The thing that is clear is that there is a direct relationship between you enrolling others from your Vision Community in the Faithwalking journey and in achieving success – in our individual Vision Communities and in our overall Faithwalking Community.
• Faithwalking 301 – the Faithwalking training and support has thus far focused on personal transformation that results in establishing a Vision Community in your home, neighborhood, workplace, or third place. There is a larger body of knowledge concerning community transformation, and we believe that community members need to master that knowledge base. In 2009 we will offer an additional retreat, open to all who have completed the 201 course (whether you have a Vision Community in place or not). This retreat is not 101 on steroids. It’s a different kind of content with a somewhat different format.
Faithwalking 301 will be offered on September 18-19, 2009, noon to noon, at a location and cost to be determined.
Movements: Move Ahead on Deep Commitment
Faithwalking is a movement, not a program. It is our hope and belief that there will come a day when hundreds, if not thousands, of homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and third places will have a functioning Body of Christ who are unified in their commitment to the transformation of the city. Clearly, as a movement, we are still in our infancy. We will move ahead based on the commitment of those who really get this vision and are willing to sacrifice to see it move from infancy to the childhood level of its development.
On November 15, 2008, the Faithwalking Community gathered at the home of Jorge and Mary Martinez. We shared success stories and problem solved obstacles. At the conclusion, our leadership called us to make four commitments in 2009 that would accelerate the movement. In the language of our community, we urged each community to consider making at least four commitments to which you give your word for 2009.
1. Prayer and Fasting: Commit to join others in the Faithwalking Community who are praying and fasting around the retreat times in which new Faithwalkers join our movement. Real time updates will be sent as the retreat unfolds. This prayer support made a huge difference in our last retreat. Retreat dates for 2009 include: January 23-25, April 24-26, June 12-14, and October 2-4.
2. Focus on your vision community: If you don’t have a functioning Vision Community, take the necessary steps to give birth to one. If you do have one, get clear about the next stages of development for your Vision Community and commit to taking those steps.
3. Contribute financially: After giving at tithe to your local congregation, consider making a sacrificial financial contribution to Mission Houston, either to our general operational fund or to the Faithwalking scholarship fund. Also consider paying the way of at least one person in your Vision Community to attend a 101 retreat.
4. Sign up for the 301 retreat. The worship, prayer support, new information about community transformation, and encouragement will be very valuable to you and your Vision Community.
May the Lord bless you and keep you as we move forward under His provision and leadership. 2009 is filled with hope and possibility, in large measure due to your sacrifice and commitment.
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Read what people is saying about Whole & Healthy Children Initiative, click here.
Hurricane Ike may have knocked out the lights for a few weeks, but it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of dozens of local volunteers from Mission Houston, who came together on October 18 to give Charles Shearn Elementary School a “face-lift.” Approximately 75 people from area churches—in conjunction with teachers, staff members, parents, and students—participated in the effort to beautify the campus by landscaping, painting, pruning, and mulching. “Principal Buck was very supportive of our efforts,” said Mission Houston Project Coordinator Jeff Peters. “I was pleased to see our faith-based community members gathering together and extending themselves to support our students.” Peters worked closely with Principal Bill Buck to identify and prioritize projects at the school, and started with the ones that would have the most impact. “Due to Hurricane Ike, we did limited promotion of this event and were planning on a reduced work day with only 40 people,” explained Peters, “but the commitment was so strong that we wound up with 75 volunteers. We will tackle the rest of the projects in spring.” Mission Houston also began a mentoring program in October 2008 at Shearn. Entitled the “Whole and Healthy Children” initiative, it is a 10-year commitment to assist local elementary schools with high percentages of at-risk students.
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Notes received by e-mail: ... referring to the Bellaire-SW Loop project day at Shearn Elementary:Friends from Mission Houston, I want to thank everyone for all their hard work today. The school has really been transformed by your efforts into a place with so much more beauty. I know it is difficult to give up your Saturday, but it sure was a wonderful day to be outside. I can not wait until we get our new electronic marquee so that we can honor you. Thank you again for all that you've done!
Bill Buck, MBA, M.Ed. Principal Shearn ES Houston ISD cbuck@houstonisd.org 713-295-5236 fax 713-295-5253
Dear Gary and all the members of Mission Houston,
I will send this properly in paper form but I wanted to tell you and your congregation a couple of things about your work here at Shearn.
On Monday when I got out of the car I smelled the mulch. The wonderful smell of working with hands, gardening, growing. Everything here feels softer, gentler. Most of our students have relatively hard lives. They live in apartments without yards, plants, and nature. All the greenery you put in has shifted the color of our place, and the “People” you put in are shifting the color also. The volunteer mentors are giving our kids some connection to other adults who are awesome role models, good citizens, good listeners and people of faith. They see that inner strength, that peace that leads us to reach out. We do that because of God at work in our lives. The volunteer who helps me in the Library, Jean, provides me a chance to breathe by helping check out books and restoring books to their shelves. She is a little bit of the “cool waters” He provides. One of my favorite quotes is by St. Francis of Assisi. He said “I always preach the Gospel, sometimes I use words.” What you do for the least of these is surely a blessing. That work for an hour a week reverberates throughout each school day, each school hour and then…….it goes home. It will begin to work in so many ways and so many lives that the ripples will pass our horizon, certainly. I thank you for your dedication, your time, for I know it is precious, your love.
Many blessings, Catherine Nelson Teacher, Shearn Elementary School
My students and I really appreciate your hard work. What it really counts for me is your initiative and the kindness of youor hearts. Thank you very much. Mr Gomez 3rd Grade Shearn Elem. Luis Gomez lgomez4@houstonisd.org
I want to thank you for improving the appearnce of Shearn Elementary. It is such a blessing to see the students take great pride in their school with the help of Missoion Houston. I am the science lab teacher and I will be able to have my students explore the different plants when we study life science. Thank you again, Lisa Asi Shearn Elementary Science Lab Teacher lasi@houstonisd.org
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by Mark Hernandez - OSHA
 El Depto. de Labor - OSHA estamos trabajando con FEMA, SBA y otros agencias para dar información para la comunidad Hispana acerca de cómo aplicar para obtener ayuda por los daños de IKE. Estamos tratando de tener cuatro foros en diferentes áreas para dar esta información a la comunidad, pero necesitamos la ayuda de Lideres de las Iglesias y la comunidad para cumplir con este reto.
Representantes de las agencias de ayuda pueden acudir a eventos que esten ya organizados previa comunicación y coordinación. Para ello por favor comunicarse con Benito Juárez de la Cuidad de Houston, con Pedro González, o con Mark Hernandez.
Grace Community Church ya ha organizado un evento para Nov. 1ero, 2008.
Gracias por su consideración en ayudar a nuestra comunidad Hispana,
Mark A. Hernández, CHST Compliance Assistance Specialist
U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA Houston South Area Office 17625 El Camino Real, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77058 Phone: (281) 286-0583 *241 cell: (281) 898-8155 Fax: (281) 286-6352 hernandez.mark@dol.gov
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American Red Cross in Galveston / Vans & Drivers Needed
Currently about 300 evacuees remain in the Red Cross Shelter on Galveston Island. Many are without transportation which is desparately needed in order for them to meet with their FEMA inspectors and move their families and belongings into safe housing.
Individuals with cars or vans are asked to contact Carolyn Shell of the American Red Cross at 713.724.9813 or by email at: carolyn.shell@earthlink.net.
Disaster Recovery Center - Wheatley
Evacuees need rides to hotels.
If available, contact Peter Fraenkel at 703.258.4763 or by email at: peterf526@yahoo.com
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Training for Mentors revised schedule:Sat, Sep 27th, 8:30am-12:30pm, College of Biblical Studies, Houston. Sun, Sep 28th, 3-5pm, Community of Faith Church, Fairfield.
Make a Difference in the life of a Child: become a mentor! Mission Houston is providing Transformational Mentor Training - or "TMT" - over and above what each school district requires and provides for volunteers. The purpose of the TMT is to increase the likelihood that mentors will enjoy a successful relationship with their student and be given skills that insure the quality of the mentoring. The goals of the TMT include equipping mentors to: - Have a clear understanding of what "Success" looks like
- Listen well
- Relate to, and to earn and maintain the trust of at-risk children
- Communicate our faith when God opens the door
- Help create and benefit from a learning community of fellow mentors
The TMT will consist of 4 modules over 4 sessions. In the 2008-2009 school year, each session will consist of two parts:
Session 1: "Making & Keeping Promises: your character counts" "Mentoring Orientation" - requirements of your specific school district.
Session 2: "Connecting through Understanding: At-Risk Children and their Families" "When the Door Opens: How to respond when asked about your faith"
Session 3: "Deepening the Impact: Increased Success through Personal and Relational Skills" Continuing Education: "Celebrating Success and Addressing Issues - #1"
Session 4: Continuing Education: "Celebrating Success and Addressing Issues - #2"
Session 1 of the Transformational Mentor Training is required of all who volunteer to mentor. Sessions 2, 3, and 4 are just as pivotal and will be facilitated later in the school year. Commitment to attend to all sessions will be strongly recomended at the end of the initial training session, after the whole vision of the W&HC initiative has been presented. The TMT will be offered at no cost to CSA teams and those who volunteer to mentor at schools within the CSA.
Session 1 Transformational Mentor Training schedule:
Primarily for Sugarland/Stafford, Missouri City, Bellaire-SW Loop, & Alief (but available to all): Sat, Sept 27th ~ 8:30am-12:30pm, Training by Mission Houston and by Ft.Bend ISD, Stafford MSD, Alief ISD College of Biblical Studies of Houston
Primarily for Cy-Fair (but available to all): Sun, Sep 28th ~ 3-5pm, Training by Mission Houston Community of Faith
Tue, Sep 30th ~ 6-8pm, Training by Cy-Fair ISD Berry Center
Primarily North Channel (but available to all): Date & place TBD
Schools in which Whole & Healthy Children mentors can volunteer in 2008-2009:
Alief/Sharpstown -Boone ES Bellaire / SW Loop -Gordon ES Bellaire / SW Loop -Shearn ES Missouri City/Fresno -Ridgemont ES Sugar Land/Stafford -Stafford Primary
Fairfield/Cypress/Copperfield -Bane ES Fairfield/Cypress/Copperfield -Lamkin ES North Shore/Channelview -Cloverleaf ES
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by Brian Gowan
BAY AREA COMMUNITY SEMINAR ON INSURANCE, FEMA AND HOUSING Grace Community Church Senior Pastor, Steve Riggle, announced today that his church will be hosting a community seminar with Houston City Council Member Mike Sullivan at their South Campus location on the Gulf Freeway at Dixie Farm Road Monday, September 22 from 7PM-8PM to cover issues with insurance, FEMA and housing. This seminar is open to anyone and everyone.
Presentations will be given about temporary and long term housing issues for those affected by Hurricane Ike; insurance and insurance claims processes; Texas Windstorm insurance; as well as FEMA related issues. "We have to begin answering people's questions and providing a vision of the future," said Pastor Riggle. "We will start with this seminar and try to alleviate some of the stress associated with the unknowns that come with a disaster of this magnitude."
The goal of this seminar is to answer questions many have but are unable to get answered. This seminar again, is free to anyone and will begin promptly at 7pm in the main sanctuary of Grace Community Church at 14505 Gulf Freeway, just south of Beltway 8 on the east side of the freeway.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Tim Dillard 832-526-5823 tim@globalimb.com
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by Vickie Dalton
 Everyone, I am enclosing several different information for you here...please accept my apologies for the length. If there is anything that you feel would be helpful to add, please let me know and I will add it to the packets. I know it is short notice, but there is a clean up effort that is being put together for tomorrow, Saturday, Sept 20th for the Arcola/Fresno area. There are 4 streets in particular that have been devastated and the residents don't have the ability to help themselves. If you can come or know anyone that will, please see the following. I apologize for the late notice, but I just heard about this a little while ago. This is from Brandy Leonhardt, who is Ron Castillo's assistant from Fort Bend Corp.
Hello Everyone – I have received the list of streets that debris needs to be removed from the Fresno/Arcola area. There are 4 streets that need to be done. I have 10 volunteers committed by RiverPointe Church to work on Saturday. We will need many more volunteers in order to complete all 4 streets. I will be meeting Mark Evans in the Fresno/Arcola area this afternoon to assess the area. If any of your volunteer groups has a representative that can meet with us this afternoon that would be great. We will be meeting at City Hall off of HWY 6 before 521 at 2:30pm. We will be traveling over to the areas that have been listed. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or via cell phone (281) 352-5433. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to help the residence of Fort Bend County. Have a great day!
Brandy Leonhardt Fiscal & Program Director Fort Bend CORPS
Also, Second Mile is going to be open from 10-2 Saturday the 20th as well. If you would like to volunteer there be sure to call in advance. Apparently there are a lot of drop in volunteers showing up with large groups and it is putting some strain on their system. They are thrilled to have the volunteers, but as we all know it is most helpful when we can plan in advance. This is the email I received from Sarah at Second Mile..... Second Mile Mission Center will be open to serve families tomorrow, Saturday, September 20th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The address here is 504 FM 1092, Suite I, Stafford, TX 77477. If you know families in need, please let them know we will have food and water available.
We are set to go with volunteer teams who will help us run the Mission for this special Saturday outreach. Unfortunately, we will not be equipped to handle walk-in volunteers tomorrow. But if you have members who would like to volunteer at Second Mile next week, please be sure they call Carol Wells at 281-261-9199, ext. 289 to schedule their shift. We are so appreciative of the hundreds of good-hearted people who have flowed into the Mission this week to volunteer. Like you, Second Mile is in this recovery process for the long-haul, and the need for volunteers will not go away soon. Please thank those from your congregations who have helped us serve thousands of people in need in just 5 days, and remind them that their help will be needed in the weeks to come.
Here’s an update on the current needs at the Mission – pantry: dry beans, peanut butter, jelly, baby formula, canned fruits, macaroni and cheese, snacks
Household: pots and pans, dishes
Thanks so much for your service and support.
In Him,
Sarah White
Development Director Second Mile Mission Center 504 FM 1092, Suite I Stafford, TX 77477 281-261-9199, ext. 289 Finally, here is a request from Stafford Schools asking us to help them supply the influx of new students from the evacuees with school uniforms...if you can supply any, please call me and I will come by your church and pick them up. Stafford schools are also looking for uniforms and clothes for those students. If you have access to funds to purchase them, or if you have members that might want to donate clothes to this cause, please let us know. They are looking for uniforms- Pre-k- 6th uniforms are: solid color (red-white or navy) collared polo shirts White collared button front shirts or blouses (NO logos or insignias except the SMSD Spartan logo allowed) pants or shorts: Cotton type material or official school uniform fabric (Navy or khaki color) No denim, jean, stretch material, cargo pants or wind suits allowed. For pants that have belt loops, belts must be worn. Skirts or jumpers Navy or khaki in color, cotton or official school uniform fabric Shoes: No open toed, thongs, flip-flops, or backless allowed. 7-8th grade: Shirts should be collared polo style shirts- 7th- Light or athletic gray 8th light blue Pants, slacks and shorts must be twill and either navy or khaki in color. No denim, jean material or rivets style are allowed. No cargo pants, pants with large pockets, hip huggers, pant and shorts without waistbands or wind suit pants. Skirts and jumpers: Navy or khaki colored skirts or jumpers in twill. Same as above. HIght school: Appropriate for school and school related activities. No pictures, emblems or writings that advertise or depict unacceptable products or topics If you need to contact me please feel free... Vickie Dalton Stafford Rise 4211 Creek Hollow Missouri City, TX 77459 832-439-9545
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from Vernon Hubbard
 Please pray for the following congregations who suffered moderate to severe damage to their facilities as a result of Hurricane IKE. If you know someone who can meet their specific needs or you are able to share facilities, please contact the Senior Pastors listed below.
"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35
- Centro Cristiano Vida y Restauración-Rev. Walter Barrios Senior Pastor-Facility destroyed. Needs place to worship in 77015 zip - streets Normandy, Ferral, Uvalde.-77049
- Club Creek New Life Community Baptist-Rev. Ralph M. Crowder (Ralph) Senior Pastor-Severe damage: roof completely removed - everything water damaged - no electricity-77063
- E. J. Simon Baptist Church-Rev. Thomas Frank (Frank) Senior Pastor-facility flooded-77026
- First Baptist Church - Seabrook-Rev. Robert M. Purdy (Rob) Senior Pastor-Moderate damage to facility with 6"-8" of flooding. Severe damage in community -77586
- House of Celebración-Pastor Juan Carlos Jimenez (Juan) Senior Pastor-roof damage - leaking. Needs place to worship. -77056
- Iglesia Bautista Hispana Anderson Road-Rev. Lisandro Williams (Sandy) Senior Pastor-roof damage to church facility and pastor's home-77053
- Iglesia Bautista Hosanna-Rev. Eduardo Marquez Senior Pastor-roof damage-77007
- Iglesia Bautista La Tierra Prometida-Rev. Victor Marte Senior Pastor-Water damage-77093
- Iglesia Cristiana Bautista Eben-Ezer-Rev. Noé Izaguirre Senior Pastor-roof damage and water damage-77015
- Joy Baptist Tabernacle-Dr. Michael P. Williams (Michael) Senior Pastor-roof damage, sanctuary flooded, Needs place to worship-77021
- Morningside Community Church-Rev. Roy E. Madison (Roy) Senior Pastor-water in the church-77047
- Northeast Community Church-Rev. Gerardell Brown Senior Pastor-sheetrock damage, flooding, roof damage, needs an electrician to replace power meter ripped off, -77026
- Primera Iglesia Stafford-Rev. Daniel Acuña Senior Pastor-Roof damage severe-77477
- Visionary Community Baptist Church-Rev. Manuel Fletcher Senior Pastor-roof damage, sheetrock damage, flooding -77035
E-mail us for contact information. Click here for more opportunities to help.
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 In these days after the hurricane, our hearts go out to those affected by the storm, and hope those of you reading this website and your families are safe and healthy. Please be assured of our prayers for you, as we are sure of your prayers for your neighbors and friends, your community, and those in authority serving to restore services throughout greater Houston.
We are reminded of the words of Jesus: "This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other" (John 13:35 The Message) and “They will give glory to your Father in heaven when they see your good works” on their behalf (Matthew 5:16). In light of His observations, we encourage you who were less affected personally by Ike to find practical, helpful ways to ease the burden of others – in your neighborhood, at your local elementary school, or even as a team of folks going on mission to another more devastated part of the city. This is one of the most certain ways we have to demonstrate the love we have been given for our neighbors and communities.
There are many opportunities to serve in these days. Here are a couple of suggestions:
Click here to go to the KSBJ website where opportunities to volunteer are constantly updated.
Call your friends in Christ from your community, and together gather resources and drive through your neighborhood and assist those in need.
Thank you for your willingness to pray and work for the good of others!!
Note: We will soon be making a decision about whether to proceed with our Whole & Healthy Children training of Mentors scheduled for the end of this week. Please check our site over the next few days for more information.
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After several months of preparation, we are ready! Now is the time to give ourselves for something bigger than ourselves, for the city... and its children.
Eph 2:10 tells us that "we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." We seek to partner with you and your congregation in these good works on behalf of at-risk children, for their sake and for the glory of God.
Volunteers willing to serve as mentors are needed! Training for mentors is required and available.
Please spread the word and recruit volunteers who will help raise a generation of Whole & Healhy Children. Print the brochures available through the link below. And make these life-changing serving opportunities, and the mentor trainings, part of your announcements in word and in print during services for the next few Sundays. We need your help ... and so do our elementary school kids.
Click Here for information about Mentor Training Dates.
Click Here for brochure and more downloadable resources.
Click Here to register as volunteer (mentor, intercessor...)
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by Suzy Seidel
I attended the CFISD walk this morning. The team at our school (Cy-Fair High School) was very well organized and things were completed rather quickly. It was a great experience on my part and would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm not sure if anyone else from MCF attended b/c there were several school options. I hope Mark Day and Danielle were able to advocate for this through their compassion contact base too. (Randy Schroeder and I were at the same school.) Thanks for all you do to bring events like this to our attention. Keep them coming! Have a GREAT weekend! Suzy
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by Jim Herrington
Everyone in my household participated in the Reach Out to DropOuts walk. It was a very positive experience that reminded me again of the great needs in our city. In one of our visits we met Javier. He is the 20 years old son of Mexican immigrants. They live in a one bed room apartment in the Montrose Community and Javier is zoned to Lamar High School. We visited him on Saturday and he promised to go call the school that day to get re-enrolled. By the time we got back to Lamar, Javier was there with a friend, getting registered. We felt deeply gratified for this one success. On Sunday, Betty and I decided to go back to Javier's home and give him our telephone number. We wanted to offer encouragement and support for this young man. We had a 20 minute conversation in which we learned that he was out of school, in part because he had gotten in to a fight and was suspended, and in part because, he was having to work to help his parents pay their meager bills. We found Javier to be an engaging, winsom young man. He said, "Everywhere I go to find a job, when they find out I have not graduated, they won't hire me." This seems to have provided motivation for Javier to get back in school. We plan to stay connected to Javier. We were impressed with him and from the visit on Sunday got a deeper awareness of the many challenges that he faces to finish his degree. We all need encouragement, support and accountability. We offered this to Javier. He took our phone number and gave us his. Soon, I hope to be able to tell you the rest of this story.
Read another story.
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 from KSBJ's "Evenings with Jen" radio program blog, by Jen Driskill
Coming up Saturday it’s the Reach Out to Dropouts Walk. It’ll be an awesome way to get kids back in school so they can get an education and work towards a better life. If you wanna volunteer, check expectationgraduation.org for all the details. You can also contact Jesse Marche at (713) 556-7017 or reachouttodropout@hisd.org. And in case you missed it earlier tonight, Andrea White, Spokesperson for the Reach Out to Dropouts Walk and wife of Mayor Bill White, along w/ Michael Aceves-Lewis, Development Director of Mission Houston, were on my show talking about the big event (click to listen)
Go to "Evenings with Jen" blog.
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video by OnePrayer.

... yes, God is onto something at Bane's. This is one of the Schools where the Whole & Healthy Children Initiative will be launched this 2008-2009 school year. A big applause for One Prayer and the Body of Christ in Cy-Fair for their community project.. Check their video at Facebook.
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by Vickie Dalton Sugar Land / Stafford

We have permission to have our Community Prayer Meeting surrounding the flag pole at Stafford Primary School for Saturday morning! Praise God! Also, if I could add to that a REQUEST.... We are doing gift bags for the teachers which they will receive on Monday and if anyone can bring baked cookies or brownies with them on Saturday we can include that in the bags! There are 53 bags being made so we need 2-3 homemade cookies or brownies each- That is only 13 dozen- most batches make 2 dozen....so if we can get 6 or 7 of the ladies in the group to do that it would be AWESOME!!!! Blessings to all! I hope to see you this Saturday at 8 AM for prayer at the flagpole at Stafford Primary! Vickie Dalton Stafford Rise 4211 Creek Hollow Missouri City, TX 77459 832-439-9545 The spiritual, social, and economic transformation of our community!!!
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By Vickie Dalton
This Saturday, August 16th, is the date set aside for our Community Compassion Project at Stafford Primary. We will assemble as a team that morning around 9 at the school and will partner with Lowe's, many of the teachers, some scout troops, and each other. In fact, many of you have signed on and will be a part of this team of volunteers. I am so appreciative of your prayers and support as we serve together to TRANSFORM our community to look more and more as HIS KINGDOM!
Would you also join with me in praying this week and as you gather for prayer Saturday morning for this opportunity and specifically for the following:
- Pray that each volunteer would come with a servant heart and that lasting relationships will be built and enlarged- between the business community, the schools and churches.
- Pray for the weather- that it would be nice so that we can accomplish everything put forward on the list.
- Pray that this would be much more than just a day of physical labor and that as we work His Name would be glorified, exalted, and that His LOVE will permeate every action taken that day!
- That each would do all as unto Him and not unto man.
- Pray that no volunteer be injured or harmed.
- Pray for the abundant supply of every need for this good work!
This year we have been given an open door to supply each teacher with a devotional book- "A Collection of Love Gifts" by Helen Steiner Rice. It is a small book loosely written from I Corinthians 13. Please pray that no one take offense.
Thanks to the generous gifts that have come in, we will be supplying each teacher with a gift bag with assorted personal items for each of them. Pray that they are blessed to know that we care.
Also, as a sidebar, please pray for the Catholic Vietnamese community in our area- of which the principal at Stafford Primary belongs- As I spoke to her this morning, she shared with me that many of those killed in the tragic bus wreck this past weekend, were personal friends, mentors, etc. of her's and her family's. She shared from her heart concerning this tragedy and I have promised that we will each lift the churches and their members up to the TRUE COMFORTER! Once again, I truly thank you for your prayerful support!
Blessings to each of you!
Vickie Dalton Stafford Rise 4211 Creek Hollow Missouri City, TX 77459 832-439-9545
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Why is compassion a virtue? What can street saints working in the inner city trenches teach us about the roots of compassion? Find out the best and most effective ways of helping those in need. Guest: Author and human rights activist, Barbara Elliott. (Living Smart by learning the art of compassion and philanthropy)
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Houston Baptist University is developing a Center for Christianity in Business and has engaged the Faithwalking team in some conversations. Six of us met with their team a few weeks back to discuss the vision of the Center. I am cautiously excited about what HBU is up to in this endeavor and am attempting to contribute to the dialogue.
Following the conversations one of the professors who is leading the Center's charge wrote and asked about the Scriptural basis for Faithwalking. Here, in part, is my response.
Larry, I've puzzled over how to respond to your email - thus the long delay. You asked what Scriptures you could study in order to get a sense of who we are. They are the same as always - the one's about unconditional love, forgiveness, sacrifice, taking up your cross ..... the ones about the church being like a body, a bride, a family, living stones ..... the one's about God's heart for justice and unity. There's nothing new there. We are profoundly biblically based.
To "get" what we believe and teach through the Faithwalking movement, you have to start with an understanding of paradigms and mental models and how the mental models help us get a view of life. Paradigms and/or mental models are very powerful - see Acts 1:6 when, after the resurrection and despite three years of hearing Jesus' teaching and seeing Him perform miracles - the disciples ask him if now he is going to deliver on their expectations shaped by their mental model of who the Messiah was to be. They still expected an earthly King with a Kingdom run by a treasury and an army.
This is but one illustration of how even the people of God hold a view of things that comes from their interpretation of Scripture that is not the view God intended. This happens over and over again and has many historical events to illustrate it. Our mental models in 21st Century America have been shaped by the modern, industrial western world. The influence of modernism caused us to "see" the Scripture in a certain way, and along with the modern world's commitment to certainty, caused us to believe that our interpretation of the Scripture was the truth rather than simply a view or an interpretation. We pretty consistently failed to bring a humility that said our view was simply that - a view that in the mystery of God - could be flawed or incomplete.
In Faithwalking we help people examine their mental models, see the power of them to help make sense of our world and to see how they can screen our a view from Scripture as well. Ours is a different view than the one held by modernity in many ways. Once you begin to see that your view is just that, then you become open to other ways of seeing the same Scriptures and the Holy Spirit has room to work. In taking this approach we attempt to foster deep conviction about one's view while simultaneously holding that view with deep humility and openness to change.
Now, lest you think that this is some postmodern, believe what ever you want to believe, approach to Scripture, let me tell you that Faithwalking begins with an assertion that in the modern western view of things, we have dummied down Jesus vision for humanity and have accepted low levels of obedience that we have justified and rationalized in order to maintain our western, materialistic, extravagant way of life. The teaching of Faithwalking asserts that the Church has been captured by democratic, capitalism that teaches us to be fear driven consumers, giving the leftovers of our extravagant life to mission trips and an occasional visit to the Food Bank. That's the beginning place.
And we go back to the Scriptures to see Jesus for the counter cultural revolutionary that he was - challenging the status-quo in government and religion especially in places where systemic injustice was taking advantage of the poor and the powerless. Then we begin to ask, in light of that, what does it mean for us to hear the words of Jesus when he says, "If you love me, you'll obey my commands" (John 14:21, John 15:10, I John 5:3).
Well, that's a start. I haven't even gotten to the application of all this to the advance of the Kingdom of God and how our view of the Scriptural teachings about "congregation" impact and in some ways undermine the advance of His Kingdom. So as you can see, this does not really lend itself to either an email discussion or to a list of Scriptures to review. I'd be glad to carve out some time for leisurely conversations over good coffee. And I welcome you to attend a Faithwalking retreat. The next one is on September 12-14 here in Houston.
One more thing - you got the spirit of what we are about correct. Ours is not a program to improve and refine the lives of Christians in our culture - to maintain the status-quo or to help them get a little more of the American dream. It is a movement that is committed to the transformation of life - beginning with our own lives and rippling out to our families, our neighborhoods, to the institutions and sectors of our city - including the business sector. We believe and are working passionately toward the day when a visible, serving Church will be present in every major business, school, and institution in our city. This is not some new and improved vision of western Christianity. It is a deep, abiding, and passionate commitment to Jesus as THE transforming presence in the world and to the belief that He is able to transform this amazing, decadent, influential, broken, jewel of a city.
Blessings, jth
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 by Vickie Dalton Sugar Land / Stafford
August 16th is the scheduled date for our Compassion Project and the day is fast approaching! I am really excited this year as we enter into this beautification project and it is my prayer that you will join us! We will be partnering with the business community and each other again this year to bless Stafford Primary School! LOWE'S from Sugar Land has given the school a fantastic grant that will allow them to build a Reading/Community Garden! This will enable teachers to teach Science and Math with a truly "hands on" approach as well as fill the very practical need for food as the kids grow and eat their own vegetables.
Lowe's has been gracious to allow us to join them. Almost all of the materials that will be needed for this years Compassion Project will be purchased with GRANT funds awarded to the school!
If you were involved with us last year, I don't have to remind you of just how powerful the effects were from this outreach in building relationships with the Stafford School district alone. I believe this outreach and the NDOP/GDOP events have also been instrumental in deepening relationships among the churches in our community. One of the first things we saw is that while this undertaking is too much for most of us alone, when we join hands together there is synergy and the burden is light!
In addition to sending teams of volunteers, I am asking each of you to consider giving a monetary donation to this project so that we can purchase necessary supplies for the workers and also purchase teaching supply gift cards for the teachers as we did last year. While we spent $2,400 last year for teacher gift cards, I think the VALUE of them has FAR surpassed the COST!
Below is a list of projects that we have been asked to undertake this August 16; some are directly connected to the Lowe's project, some are not:
Relocate established wax ligustrum bushes to bare spots around the school. Paint the pavillion on the playground Paint several different pieces of playground equipment Assemble 3-4 picnic tables Refresh the landscape that we installed last year Construct the New Reading/Community Garden (Lowe's will precut the lumber, have all supplies on hand and oversee the construction)
We need your church or group to join us! If each church brings 10 volunteers, we will have a great group and will be able to accomplish everything on this list!
I am attaching a Sign up sheet for you to use at your church and list of supplies needed along with instructions for you to hand out to volunteers. I also have a Power Point presentation available if you would like to have a copy. It has been updated with current information on it. (Due to the file size (over 11 mb) I am not attaching it here.
Please call me with any questions or if you would like to help in any way. My cell is 832-439-9545 or you can reply to this email. It would also be extremely helpful in our planning to know your anticipated level of participation for this years event.
Thanks to each of you and many blessings!
Download: Instructions / Sign in sheet / 1 Page Power Point
Vickie Dalton Stafford Rise 4211 Creek Hollow Missouri City, TX 77459 832-439-9545
The spiritual, social, and economic transformation of our community!!!
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by Jim Herrington
Due to escalating gas prices, Mission Houston is relocating the September Faithwalking Retreat from SonRise Mountain Ranch in Colorado to Northwest Forest Retreat Center in the Houston area. This change in location has two implications.
Date: Since there is no travel time needed, the dates and start/end time are as follows: Friday, September 12, 9:00 am until Sunday, September 14 at 5:00 pm.
Cost: $650 per person (rather than the $1100 with increased airfare to Colorado). This includes meals, lodging, and tuition.
The deadline for registering for this iteration of the Faithwalking Retreat is September 1, 2008. To register go on line to the Faithwalking web site and complete the application form. Please feel free to forward this to those who are interested in Faithwalking, the leadership development arm of Mission Houston.
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 by Pastor Gary Long Willow Meadows Baptist Church
Every now and then an opportunity comes along that is clearly from God. in my estimation, the chance for Willow Meadows Baptist Church to partner with Mission Houston in the adoption of Shearn Elementary is a great opportunity. Through our long-time ministry partner, Mission Houston, we will work with other churches to meet various needs among the students, often mentoring and tutoring and work to beautify the campus of Shearn. This is all under the umbrella of "The Whole and Healthy Children Initiative."
The school's administration, headed by Principal Bill Buck, is excited to have us on campus to get involved by mentoring kids beginning this fall. To take part in that, you simply need to call or visit Shearn and see Ms. Sylvia Healy to complete background checks and be paired with a teacher for the fall. The commitment is one hour per week for the course of the year, and you'll be spending time with two children. Ms. Healy can be reached at 713-2955236 or at shealy@houstonisd.org.
Click here for more information.
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By Vickie Dalton for Pastor Kerry Wood Calvary Church @ The Fountains Community Catalyst CSA 35 (Sugar Land / Stafford)
Recently Pastor Kerry sent out an update about last month's Community Prayer event held at Faith Lutheran. Many of you were there as we entered into the throne room. Thanks to all who helped lead us.
We have been invited to join each other again this month in a prayer journey of experimentation and tenacity. As Pastor Kerry so aptly spoke, there are so many things in the heart of God that will never be realized in our community and families unless we persist in prayer. Join us as we learn and sojourn with each other. We have yet to see The Kingdom come in fullness as God wants to see it in Sugar Land and Stafford. Our families are broken and distracted, marriages compromised, education lagging, businesses greedy, and racial prejudices of all kinds still exist. Our cities need “the Praying Church.” The fact is, the Church needs an awareness of our community’s brokenness; and that also comes through prayer.
This month’s prayer gathering is Tuesday Night, July 15th, at Calvary Church @ The Fountains (12410 Sugardale, Stafford); 7 p.m.
Please announce it to your church and especially to your intercessors. We will be learning, experimenting, and adventuring in prayer. Please come help us.
For the King and His Kingdom,
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By Karen Juul-Nielsen
Bellaire/SW Loop A.C.T.S. (Area Churches Together in Service) hosted a party for the children and their families who are in the reading mentoring program at Gordon Elementary School. The party was held on Saturday afternoon, April 26, at Bellaire United Methodist Church. The children enjoyed balloons, face painting, book mark crafts, cake, ice cream, candy and punch. Sheila, the “zoo lady”, provided wonderful storytelling for the children and their families. Sheila used her guitar to teach songs and sing some very funny yet meaningful stories. As an extra surprise, every child received two new books for their reading pleasure over the summer. It was a wonderful time to celebrate all the reading successes the children experienced throughout the year.
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Tuesday Night, June 17th, at Faith Lutheran—Pastor Ken Sinclair—the churches of Stafford and Sugar Land will be gathering for united persevering prayer for our city.
Our May meeting met at The Grace Center (Stafford) and we had 7 churches represented, and more importantly, fervent and united prayer going up to God for our area. I am asking the Lord to help us gather at least 12 of our community’s churches every month in prayer.
I am convicted and convinced that we are to mobilize the Body of Christ for our area, fan into flame the Church’s passionate Throne Room intercessory prayer, until the spiritual and moral temperature of our city is changed and we see transformation that can be quantified. That’s why we call it “The Furnace”—it is the mechanism by which the whole house is heated. We don’t understand furnaces in the South the same way it is understood up North, but it is a simple concept to grasp. A few praying people can change the temperature of the city.
Would you invite your church, and especially your intercessors, to join us at 7 p.m., June 17th, at Faith Lutheran Church, 800 Brook Street, Sugar Land. If you would let me know of your plans to attend it would help us to prepare the leadership duties for that night’s prayer.
Yours for the City,
Pastor Kerry Wood City Catalyst (CSA 35) Calvary Church @ The Fountains
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What is it that we are praying for?
We are asking God for nothing less that the spiritual and social transformation and revitalization of the Sugar Land/Stafford (SL/S) area – each person, congregation, neighborhood and community. We are asking to see God’s influence established and expanding in and through every facet of the SL/S community. We are asking for a unified Church that together employs spiritual and human resources to change our community through Jesus Christ for good.
1. Celebrations and Giving Thanks “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.” Psalm 105:1-2
• God is drawing congregations and Christians together in the SL/S area for His united purposes in fresh new way by His Spirit. Praise Him! Thank You that over the past few months You have brought together a tithe of the congregations in this CSA as a loving, praying, serving family and army to impact our community with God and for His purposes! • God is uniting His children in a fresh new way to pray for and care for the SL/S area. Praise Him! • God is building relationships with the educational sector of SL/S area – especially with the school district to bless and strengthen our lives and the community. Praise Him!
2. For the Reversal of and Healing in areas of Brokenness in the SL/S Community “And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him.” Revelation 22:2-3
• Move Holy Spirit to stop the rate of criminal activity in our community. Reverse the plague of crime in ways that will cause Your light and redemption to grow brighter and brighter every day! Cause those captured by the snares of addiction to find their true purpose in life in You – in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
3. For the Unity of and Collaborative Actions by the Body of Christ. “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.” John 17:23
• Pour Your Spirit upon the Body of Christ in the SL/S area. We pray for renewal and revitalization of every member of Your Church. Make us one! • Bless and anoint leadership to serve both in the local church as well as those leading Kingdom of God initiatives in the marketplace. Make us one! • A united, informed, and engaged praying people are critical to transformation in this community and in the public schools. We pray that You would help us identify and enlist 50 believers in SL/S who will commit to regular intercessions for the spiritual and social transformation and revitalization of this area. May this number grow to 100 by September 1, 2008 – in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
4. For the Prospering of Greater Houston and for Church-Civic Partnerships: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” Matthew 5:14-15
• That leaders from local businesses would come together in the SL/S CSA and community initiatives to provide leadership and resources to help meet the immediate needs and transform our community by God’s grace and power.
5. For the Whole and Healthy Children efforts in the SL/S public schools: “Then little children were brought to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them to pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said: ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” Matthew 19:13-14
• Pray that God would call a minimum of 100 Christians in 2008-2009 to commit to mentoring a child needing one-to-one mentoring at Stafford Primary and Stafford Middle school. Pray that these relationships will be sovereignly arranged impacting children, families and schools. • Pray for $10,000 to be raised by May 2009 to assist these schools help with needs above and beyond the regular school budget. • Pray for schools all across the SL/S community. May God pour His love and presence upon all administrators, teachers, board members and students. Pray that God would give favor to those leading bible clubs and prayer meetings on campus.
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by Jim Herrignton
This weekend, Matt Register of the Gottlieb Foundation, sent me a note from his web site about the importance for non-profits to track results. It reminded me of a conversation more than a year ago when David Weekley gave me a copy of Good to Great in the Social Sectors that promotes the same idea.
When Mission Houston launched in January 1999, we spent an enormous amount of our time building relationships. We had a deep conviction that if the enormous negative social trends of the past 40 years were going to be reversed, it would take the whole body of Christ working strategically in unity across the entire greater Houston area. We knew that there were deep divisions in the Body of Christ – between Evangelicals and Charismatics, Protestants and Catholics, a wide range of culture and language groups, men and women, and urban and suburban congregations.
For six years that was our primary focus, and we had a lot of success in building authentic relationships of trust in many places. (And yes, there is still much work to be done in that arena.)
At some points along the way, different folks said, even if the only thing you are currently doing is building relationships, you need to find a way to track and measure your progress. For a variety of reasons we didn’t do that. Over time that came to haunt us. It resulted in what some in the business world call “crisis in investor confidence.” You might be surprised to know this but most of our funding does not come from congregations, though there are some great congregations that do support our work like Memorial Drive Presbyterian, Calvary Community Church, Cypress Bible Church, Copperfield Baptist Church – just to name a few. The vast majority of our funding comes from individual believers who work in the private sector. Their call for clarity about tracking and measuring things began as a suggestion and grew steadily to heartfelt cry.
And we finally began listening. . .albeit slowly. For our resistance to listening we repented about a year ago. We have spent the last year clarifying and refining our measures for success. Ultimately we are after the spiritual and social transformation of the city. Those measures are very long term and include things like impact on the number of people coming to faith in Christ, decline in the poverty rate (especially among the children in our city), the divorce rate, and things like that. But in the Whole and Healthy Children Initiative, we believe that mobilizing the Body of Christ around children in our educational systems and tracking progress there will make a significant impact on the long term measures. So in the Whole and Healthy Children Initiative, we are tracking these things.
1. The number of communities that launch an initiative. Our goal is to launch in at least five to six communities in school year 2007/2008 and to increase that every year until we have an initiative in all 45 communities across the greater Houston area.
2. In each community where an initiative is in place our goal is to have: a. 100 mentors for 100 children in three schools with high percentages of at risk kids. b. 100 intercessors praying for each of the mentors and child they are mentoring. c. An annual campus beautification project in each school. d. $10,000 raised from the private sector for the faculty and administration of each school.\
Are these the right measures? Time will tell. But they are the measures to which we believe the Lord has led us and for which we are going to be accountable. Our Board has agreed to these measures. Our staff is deeply committed to being accountable for these measures. We will report to you on a regular basis about progress being made.
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Missouri City's Ridgemont Teacher appreciation Day.By Vickie Dalton On Tuesday, May 6th, Missouri City/Fresno's Mission Houston CSA was able to minister in a significant way to 93 teachers, administrators and support staff at Ridgemont Elementary, located in Fort Bend ISD. Each one received a small tote-bag filled with personal items, stickers and other awards for their students. A custom designed mouse pad with the Ridgemont logo on it was also included. Perhaps the most enjoyed item of the day was the package of homemade cookies that each received as they viewed a video of themselves teaching throughout the year! Finally, the pastors of the Missouri City/Fresno CSA included a letter of appreciation and expressed commitment for future involvement through ministry and prayer. All were extremely well received!
Mary Green, Campus Improvement Specialist hired specifically by FBISD to improve teacher's morale and skills and bring the school's academic performance to a higher level, said that the church had made a meaningful deposit in the future of this school. She told one of the organizer's there that the teachers would be skipping and smiling the rest of the day!
Churches participating were Baca Christian Center, Colony Creek Community Church, and Together We Stand. Each church provided a meaningful contribution- from money used to purchase items, to homemade cookies and labor to put the gifts together.
Honoring the teachers on Appreciation Day was just the beginning of this new and ongoing relationship. A Compassion Project in response to the 90 Days of Blessing our Community is currently in the planning stages for July 1-3.
If anyone is interested in being a part of this event, please contact David Carter of Youth for Christ at 713-385-4130/ efbcl717@aol.com or Vickie Dalton at 832-439-9545/ vdalton@staffordrise.org for details.
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By Jim Herrington Recently I had a lengthy breakfast conversation with a friend. This man is a successful executive leader in the city. Here is what he said to me. "I was given a faith by my parents that is now sustained by the congregation I attend. When the fluff is cut away, at the heart of what I embraced was a kind of quid pro quo with Jesus. I would be a good man – pray, study my Bible, serve, and give. In return, Jesus would give me the good life. I don't mean that he would make me rich or famous. But, if I kept up my part of the bargain, my life would become increasingly easier, my kids would turn out well, I would gain some level of status and esteem from my peers, and though life would have its challenges, Jesus would give me a life of growing ease and convenience."
This friend then went on to describe in detail his great disappointment in the choices and challenges that his young adult son was facing. He described the suffering that his son was going through, in part, because of that son's choices. He was on the verge of tears as he described the great burden that he and his wife were carrying out of their love for their son. And finally he got really transparent and told me how angry he was at God for not keeping His part of the bargain. He went on to say, "If there is no personal benefit in following Jesus – if I am going to suffer and struggle whether I am a Christian, a Buddhist, or an atheist, then why follow Jesus? Where is the Good News in that?" We spent a long time in this conversation. I walked away keenly aware that the message of Jesus has been so deeply conformed to the patterns of this world, that it has lost its power and is no longer Good News. And I heard Romans 12:1-2 ringing in my ears. Don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. Where did the gospel of ease and convenience come from? How did it make its way into our congregations? What happened to strong men and women of God who sacrificed their lives and fortunes for the common good? What happened to put on the whole amour of God, take up your cross every day, and the road is narrow and few are they who enter in? Until we can hear and act on Jesus' call to a fellowship of suffering, transformation will not occur... for us as individuals or for the communities of our city. Lord, help us to hear the gospel anew – for the Good News that it is.
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For several months, the CSA 2 (Missouri City) team has been praying about the elementary “Title 1” school they should adopt. Also, after learning about last year’s Compassion Project held in conjunction with the Global Day of Prayer 2007 at another school, the newly hired Campus Improvement Specialist at Ridgemont Elementary contacted that project coordinator seeking help. At the March meeting, a map of the area showing the location of “Title 1” schools was discussed and prayed over. Suddenly a Spiritual connection was made!...
Pastor Kevin Barber’s church, Baca Christian Center, has a connection with the same school – one of his members is also a teacher there! The Missouri City/Fresno CSA group quickly agreed that Ridgemont was the school to adopt. As we prayed that day, the Spirit spoke to Pastor Barber that we should respond immediately to the Macedonian call. Several of us agreed to go to visit the school at the end of our meeting. On the way there, the Compassion coordinator from last year called the CIS teacher who had cried out for help and for the first time EVER, she answered her phone! When told of the plan to adopt the school and the request to drop by right away for a visit, the teacher said, “I don’t have time right now”. The coordinator was prepared to re-schedule another day. BUT GOD HAD ANOTHER PLAN!
Suddenly, she said, “BUT- I am going to make time for you today! And when you are here, you all can lay hands on me and PRAY for ME! I am in a lot of pain!” Needless to say, everyone on the team was quite excited to visit the school after that! Upon arrival, Pastors Barber, Allen Rice, David Carter, and Vickie Dalton along with a school counselor and this teacher sat for a while around a table. They listened while the teachers shared their needs and frustrations....THEN THEY ALL STOOD right in the center of the school building IN A CIRCLE HOLDING HANDS, PRAYING FOR THE NEEDS EXPRESSED, and FINALLY they gathered around this teacher, laid hands on her and prayed for healing of muscle spasms! After that, the counselor took everyone on a tour of the school where they watched the kids interact with teachers, interviewed teachers, met students and saw an incredible demonstration of the ever popular “Smart board”- computer generated chalk board of the new millennium! The Lord IS building relationships between the community and the school; and our schools AND our community are being TRANSFORMED!! Praise God! Written by Vickie Dalton.
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Freed ParkSixty plus volunteers showed up at Freed Park on April 5th to lend a helping hand to the community. Some were so eager, they began to clean up even before the parks project start time! I was inspired by the their passion for outreach. We all worked together with enthusiasm to help out. People from all over the community came out and thanked the volunteers for cleaning up their park. The fellowship with volunteers, churches and the community was priceless. Alvin Godwin Freed Park Captain
Memorial Park The volunteers that participated were inspired by helping the community. Many of the volunteers who were students at Lone Star College Cyfair were so excited that they inspired the dean of the college to consider a community service project for next year.
Corinne Patrick Memorial Park Captain
It was an awesome experience to see Mayor White take time away from his morning bike ride to stop and thank us personally for participating in the cleanup. The Parks and Recreation Department representatives also thanked us because the area we cleaned was typically not a part of the routine cleanup, but was much needed.
Israel Silva Memorial Park Captain
Edgewood Park Working with Mission Houston was a great experience. It allowed an opportunity for a group of young volunteers, many of which were first time volunteers, to get beyond their walls and reach a community. We cleaned, shoveled and worked together to make Edgewood Park a friendly place for children and their families. All of the volunteers enjoyed their time and were glad to see the hard work pay off!
Alexzandra Rico & Abner Espana & Elaine Gomez Edgewood Park Captains
Mason Park  The Texas Youth Commission, the East Lawndale Civic Association, Lakewood Church volunteers, and local community members came out to restore part of the park back to a beautiful picnic area.
The Parks and Recreation Department also assisted us in removing several loads of debris that hadn't been cleaned since the days of Tropical Storm Allison.
The two pictures show a before and after ... a restoration to recreation.
Israel Silva Mason Park Captain
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