Notes received by e-mail:

... referring to the Bellaire-SW Loop project day at Shearn Elementary:
Friends from Mission Houston,
I want to thank everyone for all their hard work today.
The school has really been transformed by your efforts into a place with so much more beauty.
I know it is difficult to give up your Saturday, but it sure was a wonderful day to be outside.
I can not wait until we get our new electronic marquee so that we can honor you.
Thank you again for all that you've done!
Bill Buck, MBA, M.Ed.
Shearn ES Houston ISD
713-295-5236 fax 713-295-5253
Dear Gary and all the members of Mission Houston,
I will send this properly in paper form but I wanted to tell you and your congregation a couple of things about your work here at Shearn.
On Monday when I got out of the car I smelled the mulch. The wonderful smell of working with hands, gardening, growing. Everything here feels softer, gentler. Most of our students have relatively hard lives. They live in apartments without yards, plants, and nature. All the greenery you put in has shifted the color of our place, and the “People” you put in are shifting the color also. The volunteer mentors are giving our kids some connection to other adults who are awesome role models, good citizens, good listeners and people of faith. They see that inner strength, that peace that leads us to reach out. We do that because of God at work in our lives. The volunteer who helps me in the Library, Jean, provides me a chance to breathe by helping check out books and restoring books to their shelves. She is a little bit of the “cool waters” He provides. One of my favorite quotes is by St. Francis of Assisi. He said “I always preach the Gospel, sometimes I use words.” What you do for the least of these is surely a blessing. That work for an hour a week reverberates throughout each school day, each school hour and then…….it goes home. It will begin to work in so many ways and so many lives that the ripples will pass our horizon, certainly. I thank you for your dedication, your time, for I know it is precious, your love.
Many blessings,
Catherine Nelson
Teacher, Shearn Elementary School
My students and I really appreciate your hard work.
What it really counts for me is your initiative and the kindness of youor hearts.
Thank you very much.
Mr Gomez 3rd Grade Shearn Elem.
Luis Gomez
I want to thank you for improving the appearnce of Shearn Elementary. It is such a blessing to see the students take great pride in their school with the help of Missoion Houston. I am the science lab teacher and I will be able to have my students explore the different plants when we study life science. Thank you again,
Lisa Asi
Shearn Elementary Science Lab Teacher
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