Monday, September 15, 2008

In the aftermath of Ike...

In these days after the hurricane, our hearts go out to those affected by the storm, and hope those of you reading this website and your families are safe and healthy. Please be assured of our prayers for you, as we are sure of your prayers for your neighbors and friends, your community, and those in authority serving to restore services throughout greater Houston.

We are reminded of the words of Jesus: "This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other" (John 13:35 The Message) and “They will give glory to your Father in heaven when they see your good works” on their behalf (Matthew 5:16). In light of His observations, we encourage you who were less affected personally by Ike to find practical, helpful ways to ease the burden of others – in your neighborhood, at your local elementary school, or even as a team of folks going on mission to another more devastated part of the city. This is one of the most certain ways we have to demonstrate the love we have been given for our neighbors and communities.

There are many opportunities to serve in these days. Here are a couple of suggestions:

Click here to go to the KSBJ website where opportunities to volunteer are constantly updated.

Call your friends in Christ from your community, and together gather resources and drive through your neighborhood and assist those in need.

Thank you for your willingness to pray and work for the good of others!!

Note: We will soon be making a decision about whether to proceed with our Whole & Healthy Children training of Mentors scheduled for the end of this week. Please check our site over the next few days for more information.

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