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Registration is now open for Mission Houston's April 9-11, 2010, Missional Marriage. Space is limited!
We truly believe that as couples experience God’s ideal of “one flesh” intimacy, they will be powerfully released to channel their gifts and energies toward a hurting world.
Toward this end, we offer a three-day weekend retreat for couples to explore these issues. The retreats are uniquely designed to bring healing and transformation to couples as they seek to follow Jesus in his mission to the world, both individually and together.
Let us be clear: Missional Marriage is not an effort to manipulate or dominate. It is not a way for Faithwalking participants to pressure their spouses to support their own agendas, however noble those agendas may be.
•Explore their own individual awareness of mission and calling
•Dream together and separately about how God might want to use their lives to make a real difference in the world
•Learn how to feel and express true understanding and caring for their partners and, in turn, receive that understanding and caring into the broken parts of the relationship
•Share deeply with their partners about their own sense of personal mission and the emotions that go with it—fear and shame as well as passion and hope—without judgment or disapproval.
•Think strategically about how to overlap, support, integrate and enhance each partner’s gifts, calling and mission within the supportive shelter of the marriage.
Date: April 9-11, 2010
Our retreats are held at the home of Todd & Denise McCombs,
6 WestPoint Drive, Missouri City, TX, 77459.
At least one of the partners in a marriage must have completed Faithwalking 101 in order to participate in Missional Marriage. The cost of this weekend retreat is $300 per couple and includes tuition, meals, and lodging. If you or your spouse have completed Faithwalking 101 and you wish to register for Missional Marriage, please complete the following registration form.
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