There's been an awesome opportunity given to me, both to get my life set and to be able to go on and provide for my son and give him an awesome place to call home ...
Gilberto's story is a story that is only part of a bigger story that we call "The Church in the Mobile Park."
Join us as we visit this Faithwalking Mission Community as part of our Community Gathering on Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010, from 9am to 1pm. We will gather at the Mission Houston offices and ride together to and from Tomball. Registration is required. Register for the upcoming Community Gathering.
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We'd like to invite you personally to attend the upcoming Missional Marriage retreat on November 5-7. That sounds like a long way away, but it will be here before we know it.
This is a small retreat (6 couples) and space is limited, so please let us know if you plan to come.
Just as a reminder: we believe that Faithwalking begins at home. Missional Marriage is designed to help couples learn to apply the principles of Faithwalking (such as listening, vows, authenticity, integrity, and community) to their most important and intimate relationship. We also want to help you have faith-filled, imaginative conversations about what it means to be on mission in your world, both together and separately. (Only one person in each couple needs to have completed the Faithwalking 101 retreat.)
If you're coming, we need to know as soon as possible. Please click here for the registration form.
If you're still thinking about it, need more information or want to talk about it further, please contact Trisha Taylor at trishataylorcounseling@gmail.com.
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201 COACHES TRAINING Go to registration form. What is a personal transformation coach? He/she is a person who provides encouragement and accountability to two people as they complete the Faithwalking 201 series. The encouragement and accountability is exercised in a weekly coaching call that takes place between you and your two assigned individuals who are going through 201. The call lasts no more than 45 minutes each week and occurs at a time that you determine in conversation with those you are coaching. We provide a free conference call line for the purposes of the call. Are you qualified to be a coach? It is our belief that you have the basic qualifications that simply come from having completed the 101 and 201 experiences. To that experience we offer you the highest quality training that includes: - Four training sessions designed to introduce you to a basic overview of the coaching process.
- Assignment to a head coach who coaches you as you coach two others. This head coach is available for problem solving, encouragement, etc.
- Eight weeks of self-directed study in which you complete some reading and journaling and then reflect on this work with your coach. The self-directed study requires 1-2 hours per week for the eight weeks.
- Once the self-directed study is complete, you will listen in on two coaching calls with your head coach.
The next training will be held on the first four Thursday nights in September beginning 9/2/10. There will be four classes, each held from 6pm to 8 pm at the Mission Houston office: 2916 West T.C. Jester, Houston, Texas 77018. Go to registration form.
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By Melody D. Faithwalking Retreat June 2010 "In my walk with Jesus there are times when I have been stuck and cannot see ways to change, so I 'commit' to remain the same. As I applied for the Faithwalking retreat, I sensed that the weekend would be a defining point and call me to new life. I was confused, tired of walking ahead of God and living with a root of fear. I was at a miserable place, but did not trust God enough to let go and follow His direction. It was time to stop, and see what He would do if I was truly honest with my pride, lack of trust, unforgiveness and brokenness. Faithwalking reawakened me to the beauty of our faith’s foundation to fully abide in Christ. … Faithwalking spurred me on to pray for a missional community of people with a similar vision of being agents of transformation in communities around the world. God answered and provided such a group! These new friends will be vital to transformation in this faith walk, as we seek to engage in God’s Kingdom work together. I walked away from the retreat with a renewed gratitude for the Lord’s desire to have all of me so that He can work out His purposes." Faithwalking is creating a community of disciples of Jesus who are being personally transformed and becoming catalysts mobilizing Christians to become the functioning Body of Christ in their homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and 3rd places to serve the poor, the marginalized, and those in need, and to work for the common good and to restore individuals, social systems, communities and nations to God's design. Registration is now open for October Retreat (22 to 24 Oct, 2010) SAVE THE DATE!!
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Download PDF, click here. Register, click here.
Registration is now open for Mission Houston's 101 Faithwalking retreats!
What: A three-day intensive retreat to equip men and women to live the high impact life God intends.
Who: This retreat is open to anyone. It is designed for those who want an intentional and focused time with God and some other believers to explore what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, living on mission with Him.
When: Beginning at 9 am on Friday morning and concluding by 3 pm on Sunday afternoon. Dates are:
June 4-6, 2010 October 15-17, 2010
January 14-16, 2011 March 25-27, 2011 May 13-15, 2011 September 16-18, 2011 November 11-13, 2011
Where: The spacious home of Todd and Denise McCombs, 6 Westpoint Drive, Missouri City, TX 77459
Cost: $300 which includes all meals, material, and tuition. All participants must pay at least $75 of their own costs.
To register complete the online application. Your registration is not complete until you send a $75 non-refundable deposit to Mission Houston at P.O. Box 131074, Houston, TX 77219; on line payment is also available. The retreat is limited to 18 participants (and it is likely to fill up). You will be notified when your registration has been received and processed.
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Download PDF, click here. Register, click here.
Registration is now open for Mission Houston's Community Gathering!
Everyone who has completed Faithwalking 101 is invited to come together for a meal and time of celebration. Individuals who have completed recent 101 weekend retreats will be introduced to the alumni community. Bring someone you know who would be interested in learning more about Faithwalking to this event.
Come hear and share stories of personal and community transformation. Be inspired about missional communities that are having impact and of new ones that are forming. This is a time to share new learning that is emerging from our individual and collective work. Join us in celebrating what God is doing in the places that we are serving.
Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010 Time: 9:30am – 11:30am Address & map: 5100 San Felipe Street Houston, TX 77056-3729 (East Tower Ballroom) Complimentary Valet parking available Light breakfast & drinks will be served
The Community Gathering is free, but we do need you to register. To register, please fill the registration form.
Download PDF, click here.
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Our current needs are:
Faithwalking Events:
Customer Service (Excellent phone skills, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel)
Database entry (SalesForce.com)
Typing (Microsoft Word)
Hospitality for Faithwalking Retreats & Gatherings
Annual Conference/Fundraiser (Friday, April 23, 2010):
Conference “helpers”
Exhibition Area
Food & Beverage Servers
Thanks for consider volunteering with Mission Houston!
If you want to help, please complete the volunteer form.
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Download PDF, click here.
Register, click here.
Registration is now open for Mission Houston's April 9-11, 2010, Missional Marriage. Space is limited!
We truly believe that as couples experience God’s ideal of “one flesh” intimacy, they will be powerfully released to channel their gifts and energies toward a hurting world.
Toward this end, we offer a three-day weekend retreat for couples to explore these issues. The retreats are uniquely designed to bring healing and transformation to couples as they seek to follow Jesus in his mission to the world, both individually and together.
Let us be clear: Missional Marriage is not an effort to manipulate or dominate. It is not a way for Faithwalking participants to pressure their spouses to support their own agendas, however noble those agendas may be.
•Explore their own individual awareness of mission and calling
•Dream together and separately about how God might want to use their lives to make a real difference in the world
•Learn how to feel and express true understanding and caring for their partners and, in turn, receive that understanding and caring into the broken parts of the relationship
•Share deeply with their partners about their own sense of personal mission and the emotions that go with it—fear and shame as well as passion and hope—without judgment or disapproval.
•Think strategically about how to overlap, support, integrate and enhance each partner’s gifts, calling and mission within the supportive shelter of the marriage.
Date: April 9-11, 2010
Our retreats are held at the home of Todd & Denise McCombs,
6 WestPoint Drive, Missouri City, TX, 77459.
At least one of the partners in a marriage must have completed Faithwalking 101 in order to participate in Missional Marriage. The cost of this weekend retreat is $300 per couple and includes tuition, meals, and lodging. If you or your spouse have completed Faithwalking 101 and you wish to register for Missional Marriage, please complete the following registration form.
Download PDF, click here.
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