
Training for Mentors revised schedule:Sat, Sep 27th, 8:30am-12:30pm, College of Biblical Studies, Houston. Sun, Sep 28th, 3-5pm, Community of Faith Church, Fairfield.
Make a Difference in the life of a Child: become a mentor! Mission Houston is providing Transformational Mentor Training - or "TMT" - over and above what each school district requires and provides for volunteers. The purpose of the TMT is to increase the likelihood that mentors will enjoy a successful relationship with their student and be given skills that insure the quality of the mentoring. The goals of the TMT include equipping mentors to: - Have a clear understanding of what "Success" looks like
- Listen well
- Relate to, and to earn and maintain the trust of at-risk children
- Communicate our faith when God opens the door
- Help create and benefit from a learning community of fellow mentors
The TMT will consist of 4 modules over 4 sessions. In the 2008-2009 school year, each session will consist of two parts:
Session 1: "Making & Keeping Promises: your character counts" "Mentoring Orientation" - requirements of your specific school district.
Session 2: "Connecting through Understanding: At-Risk Children and their Families" "When the Door Opens: How to respond when asked about your faith"
Session 3: "Deepening the Impact: Increased Success through Personal and Relational Skills" Continuing Education: "Celebrating Success and Addressing Issues - #1"
Session 4: Continuing Education: "Celebrating Success and Addressing Issues - #2"
Session 1 of the Transformational Mentor Training is required of all who volunteer to mentor. Sessions 2, 3, and 4 are just as pivotal and will be facilitated later in the school year. Commitment to attend to all sessions will be strongly recomended at the end of the initial training session, after the whole vision of the W&HC initiative has been presented. The TMT will be offered at no cost to CSA teams and those who volunteer to mentor at schools within the CSA.
Session 1 Transformational Mentor Training schedule:
Primarily for Sugarland/Stafford, Missouri City, Bellaire-SW Loop, & Alief (but available to all): Sat, Sept 27th ~ 8:30am-12:30pm, Training by Mission Houston and by Ft.Bend ISD, Stafford MSD, Alief ISD College of Biblical Studies of Houston
Primarily for Cy-Fair (but available to all): Sun, Sep 28th ~ 3-5pm, Training by Mission Houston Community of Faith
Tue, Sep 30th ~ 6-8pm, Training by Cy-Fair ISD Berry Center
Primarily North Channel (but available to all): Date & place TBD
Schools in which Whole & Healthy Children mentors can volunteer in 2008-2009:
Alief/Sharpstown -Boone ES Bellaire / SW Loop -Gordon ES Bellaire / SW Loop -Shearn ES Missouri City/Fresno -Ridgemont ES Sugar Land/Stafford -Stafford Primary
Fairfield/Cypress/Copperfield -Bane ES Fairfield/Cypress/Copperfield -Lamkin ES North Shore/Channelview -Cloverleaf ES
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by Brian Gowan
BAY AREA COMMUNITY SEMINAR ON INSURANCE, FEMA AND HOUSING Grace Community Church Senior Pastor, Steve Riggle, announced today that his church will be hosting a community seminar with Houston City Council Member Mike Sullivan at their South Campus location on the Gulf Freeway at Dixie Farm Road Monday, September 22 from 7PM-8PM to cover issues with insurance, FEMA and housing. This seminar is open to anyone and everyone.
Presentations will be given about temporary and long term housing issues for those affected by Hurricane Ike; insurance and insurance claims processes; Texas Windstorm insurance; as well as FEMA related issues. "We have to begin answering people's questions and providing a vision of the future," said Pastor Riggle. "We will start with this seminar and try to alleviate some of the stress associated with the unknowns that come with a disaster of this magnitude."
The goal of this seminar is to answer questions many have but are unable to get answered. This seminar again, is free to anyone and will begin promptly at 7pm in the main sanctuary of Grace Community Church at 14505 Gulf Freeway, just south of Beltway 8 on the east side of the freeway.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Tim Dillard 832-526-5823 tim@globalimb.com
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by Vickie Dalton
 Everyone, I am enclosing several different information for you here...please accept my apologies for the length. If there is anything that you feel would be helpful to add, please let me know and I will add it to the packets. I know it is short notice, but there is a clean up effort that is being put together for tomorrow, Saturday, Sept 20th for the Arcola/Fresno area. There are 4 streets in particular that have been devastated and the residents don't have the ability to help themselves. If you can come or know anyone that will, please see the following. I apologize for the late notice, but I just heard about this a little while ago. This is from Brandy Leonhardt, who is Ron Castillo's assistant from Fort Bend Corp.
Hello Everyone – I have received the list of streets that debris needs to be removed from the Fresno/Arcola area. There are 4 streets that need to be done. I have 10 volunteers committed by RiverPointe Church to work on Saturday. We will need many more volunteers in order to complete all 4 streets. I will be meeting Mark Evans in the Fresno/Arcola area this afternoon to assess the area. If any of your volunteer groups has a representative that can meet with us this afternoon that would be great. We will be meeting at City Hall off of HWY 6 before 521 at 2:30pm. We will be traveling over to the areas that have been listed. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email or via cell phone (281) 352-5433. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to help the residence of Fort Bend County. Have a great day!
Brandy Leonhardt Fiscal & Program Director Fort Bend CORPS
Also, Second Mile is going to be open from 10-2 Saturday the 20th as well. If you would like to volunteer there be sure to call in advance. Apparently there are a lot of drop in volunteers showing up with large groups and it is putting some strain on their system. They are thrilled to have the volunteers, but as we all know it is most helpful when we can plan in advance. This is the email I received from Sarah at Second Mile..... Second Mile Mission Center will be open to serve families tomorrow, Saturday, September 20th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The address here is 504 FM 1092, Suite I, Stafford, TX 77477. If you know families in need, please let them know we will have food and water available.
We are set to go with volunteer teams who will help us run the Mission for this special Saturday outreach. Unfortunately, we will not be equipped to handle walk-in volunteers tomorrow. But if you have members who would like to volunteer at Second Mile next week, please be sure they call Carol Wells at 281-261-9199, ext. 289 to schedule their shift. We are so appreciative of the hundreds of good-hearted people who have flowed into the Mission this week to volunteer. Like you, Second Mile is in this recovery process for the long-haul, and the need for volunteers will not go away soon. Please thank those from your congregations who have helped us serve thousands of people in need in just 5 days, and remind them that their help will be needed in the weeks to come.
Here’s an update on the current needs at the Mission – pantry: dry beans, peanut butter, jelly, baby formula, canned fruits, macaroni and cheese, snacks
Household: pots and pans, dishes
Thanks so much for your service and support.
In Him,
Sarah White
Development Director Second Mile Mission Center 504 FM 1092, Suite I Stafford, TX 77477 281-261-9199, ext. 289 Finally, here is a request from Stafford Schools asking us to help them supply the influx of new students from the evacuees with school uniforms...if you can supply any, please call me and I will come by your church and pick them up. Stafford schools are also looking for uniforms and clothes for those students. If you have access to funds to purchase them, or if you have members that might want to donate clothes to this cause, please let us know. They are looking for uniforms- Pre-k- 6th uniforms are: solid color (red-white or navy) collared polo shirts White collared button front shirts or blouses (NO logos or insignias except the SMSD Spartan logo allowed) pants or shorts: Cotton type material or official school uniform fabric (Navy or khaki color) No denim, jean, stretch material, cargo pants or wind suits allowed. For pants that have belt loops, belts must be worn. Skirts or jumpers Navy or khaki in color, cotton or official school uniform fabric Shoes: No open toed, thongs, flip-flops, or backless allowed. 7-8th grade: Shirts should be collared polo style shirts- 7th- Light or athletic gray 8th light blue Pants, slacks and shorts must be twill and either navy or khaki in color. No denim, jean material or rivets style are allowed. No cargo pants, pants with large pockets, hip huggers, pant and shorts without waistbands or wind suit pants. Skirts and jumpers: Navy or khaki colored skirts or jumpers in twill. Same as above. HIght school: Appropriate for school and school related activities. No pictures, emblems or writings that advertise or depict unacceptable products or topics If you need to contact me please feel free... Vickie Dalton Stafford Rise 4211 Creek Hollow Missouri City, TX 77459 832-439-9545
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from Vernon Hubbard
 Please pray for the following congregations who suffered moderate to severe damage to their facilities as a result of Hurricane IKE. If you know someone who can meet their specific needs or you are able to share facilities, please contact the Senior Pastors listed below.
"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35
- Centro Cristiano Vida y Restauración-Rev. Walter Barrios Senior Pastor-Facility destroyed. Needs place to worship in 77015 zip - streets Normandy, Ferral, Uvalde.-77049
- Club Creek New Life Community Baptist-Rev. Ralph M. Crowder (Ralph) Senior Pastor-Severe damage: roof completely removed - everything water damaged - no electricity-77063
- E. J. Simon Baptist Church-Rev. Thomas Frank (Frank) Senior Pastor-facility flooded-77026
- First Baptist Church - Seabrook-Rev. Robert M. Purdy (Rob) Senior Pastor-Moderate damage to facility with 6"-8" of flooding. Severe damage in community -77586
- House of Celebración-Pastor Juan Carlos Jimenez (Juan) Senior Pastor-roof damage - leaking. Needs place to worship. -77056
- Iglesia Bautista Hispana Anderson Road-Rev. Lisandro Williams (Sandy) Senior Pastor-roof damage to church facility and pastor's home-77053
- Iglesia Bautista Hosanna-Rev. Eduardo Marquez Senior Pastor-roof damage-77007
- Iglesia Bautista La Tierra Prometida-Rev. Victor Marte Senior Pastor-Water damage-77093
- Iglesia Cristiana Bautista Eben-Ezer-Rev. Noé Izaguirre Senior Pastor-roof damage and water damage-77015
- Joy Baptist Tabernacle-Dr. Michael P. Williams (Michael) Senior Pastor-roof damage, sanctuary flooded, Needs place to worship-77021
- Morningside Community Church-Rev. Roy E. Madison (Roy) Senior Pastor-water in the church-77047
- Northeast Community Church-Rev. Gerardell Brown Senior Pastor-sheetrock damage, flooding, roof damage, needs an electrician to replace power meter ripped off, -77026
- Primera Iglesia Stafford-Rev. Daniel Acuña Senior Pastor-Roof damage severe-77477
- Visionary Community Baptist Church-Rev. Manuel Fletcher Senior Pastor-roof damage, sheetrock damage, flooding -77035
E-mail us for contact information. Click here for more opportunities to help.
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 In these days after the hurricane, our hearts go out to those affected by the storm, and hope those of you reading this website and your families are safe and healthy. Please be assured of our prayers for you, as we are sure of your prayers for your neighbors and friends, your community, and those in authority serving to restore services throughout greater Houston.
We are reminded of the words of Jesus: "This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other" (John 13:35 The Message) and “They will give glory to your Father in heaven when they see your good works” on their behalf (Matthew 5:16). In light of His observations, we encourage you who were less affected personally by Ike to find practical, helpful ways to ease the burden of others – in your neighborhood, at your local elementary school, or even as a team of folks going on mission to another more devastated part of the city. This is one of the most certain ways we have to demonstrate the love we have been given for our neighbors and communities.
There are many opportunities to serve in these days. Here are a couple of suggestions:
Click here to go to the KSBJ website where opportunities to volunteer are constantly updated.
Call your friends in Christ from your community, and together gather resources and drive through your neighborhood and assist those in need.
Thank you for your willingness to pray and work for the good of others!!
Note: We will soon be making a decision about whether to proceed with our Whole & Healthy Children training of Mentors scheduled for the end of this week. Please check our site over the next few days for more information.
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After several months of preparation, we are ready! Now is the time to give ourselves for something bigger than ourselves, for the city... and its children.
Eph 2:10 tells us that "we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." We seek to partner with you and your congregation in these good works on behalf of at-risk children, for their sake and for the glory of God.
Volunteers willing to serve as mentors are needed! Training for mentors is required and available.
Please spread the word and recruit volunteers who will help raise a generation of Whole & Healhy Children. Print the brochures available through the link below. And make these life-changing serving opportunities, and the mentor trainings, part of your announcements in word and in print during services for the next few Sundays. We need your help ... and so do our elementary school kids.
Click Here for information about Mentor Training Dates.
Click Here for brochure and more downloadable resources.
Click Here to register as volunteer (mentor, intercessor...)
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by Suzy Seidel
I attended the CFISD walk this morning. The team at our school (Cy-Fair High School) was very well organized and things were completed rather quickly. It was a great experience on my part and would do it again in a heartbeat. I'm not sure if anyone else from MCF attended b/c there were several school options. I hope Mark Day and Danielle were able to advocate for this through their compassion contact base too. (Randy Schroeder and I were at the same school.) Thanks for all you do to bring events like this to our attention. Keep them coming! Have a GREAT weekend! Suzy
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by Jim Herrington
Everyone in my household participated in the Reach Out to DropOuts walk. It was a very positive experience that reminded me again of the great needs in our city. In one of our visits we met Javier. He is the 20 years old son of Mexican immigrants. They live in a one bed room apartment in the Montrose Community and Javier is zoned to Lamar High School. We visited him on Saturday and he promised to go call the school that day to get re-enrolled. By the time we got back to Lamar, Javier was there with a friend, getting registered. We felt deeply gratified for this one success. On Sunday, Betty and I decided to go back to Javier's home and give him our telephone number. We wanted to offer encouragement and support for this young man. We had a 20 minute conversation in which we learned that he was out of school, in part because he had gotten in to a fight and was suspended, and in part because, he was having to work to help his parents pay their meager bills. We found Javier to be an engaging, winsom young man. He said, "Everywhere I go to find a job, when they find out I have not graduated, they won't hire me." This seems to have provided motivation for Javier to get back in school. We plan to stay connected to Javier. We were impressed with him and from the visit on Sunday got a deeper awareness of the many challenges that he faces to finish his degree. We all need encouragement, support and accountability. We offered this to Javier. He took our phone number and gave us his. Soon, I hope to be able to tell you the rest of this story.
Read another story.
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 from KSBJ's "Evenings with Jen" radio program blog, by Jen Driskill
Coming up Saturday it’s the Reach Out to Dropouts Walk. It’ll be an awesome way to get kids back in school so they can get an education and work towards a better life. If you wanna volunteer, check expectationgraduation.org for all the details. You can also contact Jesse Marche at (713) 556-7017 or reachouttodropout@hisd.org. And in case you missed it earlier tonight, Andrea White, Spokesperson for the Reach Out to Dropouts Walk and wife of Mayor Bill White, along w/ Michael Aceves-Lewis, Development Director of Mission Houston, were on my show talking about the big event (click to listen)
Go to "Evenings with Jen" blog.
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