Saturday, August 23, 2008

OnePrayer Bane Elementary School Project - Cy-Fair...

video by OnePrayer.

... yes, God is onto something at Bane's. This is one of the Schools where the Whole & Healthy Children Initiative will be launched this 2008-2009 school year.  A big applause for One Prayer and the Body of Christ in Cy-Fair for their community project.. Check their video at Facebook.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Prayer & needs for community service at Stafford Primary...

by Vickie Dalton
Sugar Land / Stafford

We have permission to have our Community Prayer Meeting surrounding the flag pole at Stafford Primary School for Saturday morning! Praise God!

Also, if I could add to that a REQUEST.... We are doing gift bags for the teachers which they will receive on Monday and if anyone can bring baked cookies or brownies with them on Saturday we can include that in the bags! There are 53 bags being made so we need 2-3 homemade cookies or brownies each- That is only 13 dozen- most batches make 2 dozen....so if we can get 6 or 7 of the ladies in the group to do that it would be AWESOME!!!!

Blessings to all! I hope to see you this Saturday at 8 AM for prayer at the flagpole at Stafford Primary!
Vickie Dalton
Stafford Rise
4211 Creek Hollow
Missouri City, TX 77459

The spiritual, social, and economic transformation of our community!!!


Monday, August 11, 2008

Volunteer opportunity at Stafford Primary...

By Vickie Dalton

This Saturday, August 16th, is the date set aside for our Community Compassion Project at Stafford Primary. We will assemble as a team that morning around 9 at the school and will partner with Lowe's, many of the teachers, some scout troops, and each other. In fact, many of you have signed on and will be a part of this team of volunteers. I am so appreciative of your prayers and support as we serve together to TRANSFORM our community to look more and more as HIS KINGDOM!

Would you also join with me in praying this week and as you gather for prayer Saturday morning for this opportunity and specifically for the following:

  • Pray that each volunteer would come with a servant heart and that lasting relationships will be built and enlarged- between the business community, the schools and churches.
  • Pray for the weather- that it would be nice so that we can accomplish everything put forward on the list.
  • Pray that this would be much more than just a day of physical labor and that as we work His Name would be glorified, exalted, and that His LOVE will permeate every action taken that day! 
  • That each would do all as unto Him and not unto man.
  • Pray that no volunteer be injured or harmed.
  • Pray for the abundant supply of every need for this good work!
This year we have been given an open door to supply each teacher with a devotional book- "A Collection of Love Gifts" by Helen Steiner Rice. It is a small book loosely written from I Corinthians 13. Please pray that no one take offense.

Thanks to the generous gifts that have come in, we will be supplying each teacher with a gift bag with assorted personal items for each of them. Pray that they are blessed to know that we care.

Also, as a sidebar, please pray for the Catholic Vietnamese community in our area- of which the principal at Stafford Primary belongs- As I spoke to her this morning, she shared with me that many of those killed in the tragic bus wreck this past weekend, were personal friends, mentors, etc. of her's and her family's. She shared from her heart concerning this tragedy and I have promised that we will each lift the churches and their members up to the TRUE COMFORTER!
Once again, I truly thank you for your prayerful support!

Blessings to each of you!

Vickie Dalton
Stafford Rise
4211 Creek Hollow
Missouri City, TX 77459


Friday, August 1, 2008

The art of compassion and philathropy...

Why is compassion a virtue? What can street saints working in the inner city trenches teach us about the roots of compassion? Find out the best and most effective ways of helping those in need. Guest: Author and human rights activist, Barbara Elliott. (Living Smart by learning the art of compassion and philanthropy)

